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Oncotarget’s Volume 12, Issue #7
New Publications
Cover (Research Paper): Caloric restriction creates a metabolic pattern of chronological aging delay that in budding yeast differs from the metabolic design established by two other geroprotectors
Origin: Quebec, Canada
Institutions: Concordia University
Quote: “Caloric restriction and the tor1Δ mutation are robust geroprotectors in yeast and other eukaryotes. Lithocholic acid is a potent geroprotector in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Here, we used liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry method of non-targeted metabolomics to compare the effects of these three geroprotectors on the intracellular metabolome of chronologically aging budding yeast.”
Editorial Paper (PDF download): The long road to TRAIL therapy: a TRAILshort detour
Origin: Minnesota, United States
Institution: Mayo Clinic
Quote: “The goal of modern medicine is to cure disease and alleviate human suffering. In this endeavor, research has progressed at tremendous pace, allowing for revolutionary therapies that have improved the human condition and provided cures for diseases previously thought to be incurable. Our knowledge of the immunological processes necessary for the maintenance of health has never been more informed and immunotherapy has become a mainstay of therapy for a variety of health conditions.”
Research Perspective: The role of immune surveillance in malignant transformation of benign salivary gland tumors
Origin: Homburg/Saar, Germany; New York, United States
Institutions: Saarland University Medical Center, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
Quote: “In this study, we used RNAseq data from CA ex PA of myoepithelial (n = 24) or salivary duct histology (n = 6), de novo myoepithelial carcinoma (n = 16) and de novo salivary duct carcinoma (n = 10), and compared their constituent immune tumor microenvironments.”
Research Paper: Differential expression of Vitamin D binding protein in thyroid cancer health disparities
Origin: California, United States
Institutions: Harbor UCLA Medical Center, Riverside University Health System, Loma Linda University School of Medicine, Center for Health Disparities & Molecular Medicine, Division of Biochemistry
Quote: “In this study, we determined the correlation between differential DBP expression in tumor tissues and cancer staging in Filipino Americans versus European Americans.”
Research Paper: Inhibition of resistant triple-negative breast cancer cells with low-dose 6-mercaptopurine and 5-azacitidine
Origin: Texas, United States
Institution: The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
Quote: “To more rigorously test the clinical suitability of 6-mercaptopurine, here we investigated effects of further lowering its dose and the possibility of overcoming resistance to single-drug treatment by combining the drug with another ribonucleoside analog 5-azacitidine.”
Research Paper: Mutually exclusive lymphangiogenesis or perineural infiltration in human skin squamous-cell carcinoma
Origin: Lausanne, Switzerland
Institutions: University Hospital Lausanne (CHUV/UNIL)
Quote: “Although anti-PD-1 therapy is beneficial for some patients with advanced sSCC, a greater understanding of disease mechanisms is still needed to develop better therapies. […] Using quantitative multiplex immunohistochemistry, we analyzed sSCC sections from 36 patients.”
Research Paper: Decreased expression of the translation factor eIF3e induces senescence in breast cancer cells via suppression of PARP1 and activation of mTORC1
Origin: Lyon, France
Institutions: University Lyon
Quote: “We have previously shown that eIF3e deficiency leads to an impaired DNA damage response with a marked decrease in DNA repair by homologous recombination. Here, we explored the possibility to exploit this DNA repair defect in targeted cancer therapy using PARP inhibitors.”
Research Paper: [18F]FDG and [18F]FES positron emission tomography for disease monitoring and assessment of anti-hormonal treatment eligibility in granulosa cell tumors of the ovary
Origin: Utrecht, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Institutions: University Medical Center Utrecht, Amsterdam University Medical Center
Quote: “Adult granulosa cell tumors (AGCTs) of the ovary represent a rare malignancy in which timing and choice of treatment is a clinical challenge. This study investigates the value of FDG-PET/CT and FES-PET/CT in monitoring recurrent AGCTs and assessing eligibility for anti-hormonal treatment.”
Research Paper: Effect of cell microenvironment on the drug sensitivity of hepatocellular cancer cells
Origin: Singapore; Vancouver, Canada
Institutions: National University of Singapore, Pacific Laboratories, National University Health System, University of British Columbia
Quote: “This study aimed to investigate whether HCC cells cultured in more native conditions have an altered phenotype and drug sensitivity compared to those cultured in standard conditions.”
Research Paper: Landscape of somatic mutations in breast cancer: new opportunities for targeted therapies in Saudi Arabian patients
Origin: Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Institutions: King Saud University Medical City, King Fahad Medical City, King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology
Quote: “The association between genetic polymorphisms in tumor suppressor genes and the risk of BCa has been studied in many ethnic populations with conflicting conclusions while Arab females and Saudi Arabian studies are still lacking. We screened a cohort of Saudi BCa patients by NGS using a bespoke gene panel to clarify the genetic landscape of this population, correlating and assessing genetic findings with clinical outcomes.”
Research Paper: The presence of polymorphisms in genes controlling neurotransmitter metabolism and disease prognosis in patients with prostate cancer: a possible link with schizophrenia
Origin: St. Petersburg, Novgorod, Russia; Cambridge, United Kingdom
Institutions: A.M. Granov Russian Research Center for Radiology and Surgical Technologies of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, H. Turner National Medical Research Center for Children’s Orthopedics and Trauma Surgery of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, DiagNodus Ltd, Babraham Research Campus, St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Yaroslav-the-Wise Novgorod State University of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, N.N. Petrov National Medical Research Center of Oncology
Quote: “It was noted above that psychiatric disorders may be associated with a seriously altered PC risk, but little is known about possible influences of patients’ genetic background both on this phenomenon and on disease prognosis when PC is already present. The aim of this small pilot study was to compare the presence of common polymorphic variants of a few genes encoding neurotransmitters in PC patients with the ‘polar’ variants of disease prognosis defined by either very low or very high PSADT values.”
Case Report: Prognostic significance of isochromosome 17q in hematologic malignancies
Origin: Lublin, Poland
Institutions: Medical University of Lublin
Quote: “In this article, we analyze literature data on the presence of i(17q) in proliferative disorders of the hematopoietic system in the context of its role as a prognostic factor of disease progression. The case reports are added to support the presented data. Currently, there are no indications for the use of specific treatment regimens in the subjects with a presence of the isochromosome 17q.”
Click here to read Oncotarget’s Volume 12, Issue #7.
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